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RVT System (Real Vintage Tone)

Updated: Dec 1, 2019

To recreate the legendary tones of old guitars, we had to come up with master plan that allows us as a company to keep a high level of consistency between each and every guitar we make.

The key element here is to understand and control the complex relationship of all the guitar parts, including its entire electronic layout.

This action involves two key features:

1. A deep complex body/neck matching: Grain, weight, age when cut, moist levels and frequency response are all considered until a good balance is achieved.

2. Choosing the right electronic parts for each guitar individually.

From voicing of the pickups to the values of the pots and cap. Everything is installed for a reason.

Our aim is to retain the basic predicted sound of the wood, created by the first matching step.

The RVT System is not a company gimmick. It involves a pain sticking and time consuming actions that are original in guitar making world.

The RVT System is a key element in creating the legendary vintage tone.



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