What determines the overall sound of a guitar? The most logical answer is good wood and construction with high-quality pickups and electronic components. While we provide the above, we here at Macmull Custom Guitars also take into consideration the relationship between the parts.
We adjust the electronics individually for each guitar, in order to preserve the sound of the wood chosen and to lift those vintage-sounding characters.

Each Macmull Guitar receives its own set of pickups with somewhat different values. The wires, magnets, pots, and caps are also matched to perfection until a consistent “Macmull” sound is present in each and every guitar.

All models are done this way, regardless of their wood ranking. That way, we make sure every valuable piece of wood gets the electronics that bring out the sharp attack, balanced sound and amazing clarity that every Macmull Guitar is famous for.
We utilize materials from all over the world, and collaborate with the best makers of magnets, wires, pots, and caps and to ensure that what goes into our guitars has been rigorously vetted.

We do not recommend combining aspects such as split push-pull knobs and such since they alter the sound. However, if you do have special wiring requests you can discuss them with our team of experts before making your purchase.
When you buy a Macmull Guitar, you know that years of knowledge, dedication, and soul have helped build it.